Excellent Entities Wiki

WebzForevz (AKA Griffin Weber) is the creator of the Excellent Entities series.


WebzForevz is the main script writer, animator, editor, and voice actor when it comes to his show. He voices 13 of the main recurring characters, and voices most one-off incidentals (such as the Entities cast). He has animated all of Excellent Entities, a majority of Extraordinarily Excellent Entities, and most of THREEEE. He also animated all of the Object Show Shorts, and currently animates and does audio editing for JacknJellify throughout both TPOT and BFDIA. Webz also voices numerous other recognizable object show characters, such as Seven from JnJ’s subscriber specials. Webz has also worked on various songs within the OSC, namely all of The Broomer Boy’s songs, “Embers” from The Nightly Manor, and “Counting on Christmas”, a XFOHV Christmas special.

